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- From: Josh Olaf <info@cydonia.org>
- Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51
- Subject: Re: Faces on Mars
- Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 11:40:51 -0700
- Organization: http://www.cydonia.org/
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <31D032B3.6A59@cydonia.org>
- References: <31BEEFFD.288D@fc.hp.com> <DsxI83.Bsn@aston.ac.uk> <maury-1906961727220001@news.iol.ie> <31C83831.6B64@cydonia.org> <31C882BA.5968@fc.hp.com> <31C8C901.1521@cydonia.org> <31CB0F27.5B82@fc.hp.com> <maury-2406961141400001@news.iol.ie> <31CF02CC.21A5@cydonia.org> <maury-2506961042500001@>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp213-sf1.sirius.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.conspiracy:122442 alt.alien.research:26782 alt.paranet.ufo:54512 sci.skeptic:74323 alt.alien.visitors:89627 alt.conspiracy.area51:11593
- Maury Markowitz wrote:
- >
- > In article <31CF02CC.21A5@cydonia.org>, Josh Olaf <info@cydonia.org> wrote:
- >
- > > > http://www.msss.com/education/
- > >
- > > Can someone please post Carlotto's comments again referring to this URL?
- > >
- > > >
- > > > In addition to the happy face (which they have in raw form)
- > >
- > > Great! I can't wait to compare it to the other raw photos. Please
- > > let us know when you will be posting the URL or ref # so that we
- > > can make an informed opinion.
- >
- > Just did. You're rapidly becoming silly Josh.
- >
- > Maury
- You did? I must have missed it. Please post the URL or ref # of the
- raw photos you referred to in your previous argument (which you appear
- to have dropped) which back up your claim, that the face is similar
- to alleged photos of Miss Piggy and Kermit.
- Josh